The Third Annual
Holiday Bike Parade and Toy Drive
Was Held Saturday, December 20, 2003
Check out more photos from the 2003 Holiday Bike Parade
Click on any of the small thumbnails to bring up the medium size version
Click on the medium size version to bring up the large size version.
If boaters can have boat parades, why can't Bikers have a Bike Parade? To some it may seem silly, but there is a child in all of us and sometimes it needs to come out. We need to spread some cheer. So please join us. Please invite friends and family to participate in this event. If you know of other groups who may want to join us along the route please let them know.
DATE: December 20, 2003 (Saturday)
TIME: Ride starts at 7:30 in the morning (so you need to be there prior to start time.)
PLACE: Santiago Cycling, 115 N. Prosect, Tustin - First Street and Prospect
ADDITIONAL PARKING: Behind the office buildings on Fourth Street or at the Park on Irvine and Prospect.
ROUTE: Turtle Rock Outer or Inner Loop (We will break the ride up in different group levels - the pace will vary by group)
We will have some Holiday Nourishment after the ride. There will be a group picture taken.
Last but not least, THINK SAFETY when decorating your bike or wearing any type of costume. Fasten any decoration securely with duck tape and cable ties. We do not want anything flying off or into any of your bike parts. Test Ride your bike to make sure all parts are working. HELMETS MUST BE WORN.

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